Why don’t we see new Christmas carols anymore? Sure, there’s plenty of fresh holiday music, but it feels like we collectively decided that no new carols are making the cut for our Christmas playlists. The same goes for holiday photos. We’re stuck with the classic “fake smile in front of the tree” pose, even as ad campaigns and influencers churn out fresh, creative ways to innovate with photography. The tools for reinvention are there—yet most people stick to the same old traditions.
This month, I’m flipping your holiday traditions on their head with a series of newsletters designed to inspire you to experiment with photography like never before. And the best part? You can do it all with just your phone.
Starting right now—with a simple formula that will change the way you approach poses in holiday photos. It requires a little effort upfront, but once you’re set, the process becomes quicker, effortless, and far more dynamic.
To continue reading, you must be a paid subscriber. You can subscribe hereunder and get a full year of Photogenic for $4.17 a month—that’s 1970s prices, just 96¢ per edition!