Olympic Sports That Would Have Been Introduced If Photogenic Hosted the 2024 Games
Enter our gold camerist contest (deets inside)
Shoelace tying
Long look
Synchronized stretching
Wall leaning
Out-of-pocket layout
Enter in any Photogenic sport as hereinabove discussed for your shot at becoming an Olympic gold camerist.
Picture to yourself the scene glowing up atop the platform, people from all around the World Wide Web watch you snag an Instagrammable moment, literally on the Instagram photo-sharing service there, where I present you as the gold camerist at the 2024 Photogenic Olympics. Bonus: as the inaugural winner of your chosen sport you automatically hold the world record.
Flip your TV off, not to say give television the middle finger. Does it sound weirder to say, “I turn my TV on” or “I turn on my TV”? Doubtless an arousing question, but it does eff with your mind. Where was I? Oh, yeah, the other thing is economics turns TV off. It’s high time you quit vegging out like a couch potato and get yourself in front of the camera like a viewy little socialite. The Photogenic Olympics gave you a purpose and a calling, with an understanding. Each of these images depict one sport or way of posing yourself. By no means is this the only way or even the best one. Just as gymnasts or divers may score a perfect 10 in a number of ways, you can attain a picture-perfect shot. How many postures can you assume to pose? That is up to your imagination. Any and all of them are fair game.
If you say, “I recently ordered an old-fashioned, so of course the price wasn’t,” then your ironic of course revealed you’re wise to the fact that the same old hat could use a new-fashioned look.
Get inspired. Be Creative.
Citius, Altius, Fortius.
What? Send me your best sports shot of Photogenic Olympian portraiture. (“Best” obviously means No. 1, as in one photo apiece of the selfsame pose.)
How? In a snap in an e-mail attachment to message me, bonnie@bonnierzmphoto.com. Make sure to note or mark any of various sports poses submitted as in the newsletter, and don’t forget to include your IG handle for a chance to be featured on Instagram as a subject of a story I post.
When? The deadline is Aug 9, 2024.
Good luck!