If you want to announce your relationship to your social network with the sort of romantic ambivalence sure to cause uncertainty as to which approach, attitude, or treatment to follow, Facebook can help. Simply update the status of your relationship to “it’s complicated” to show simultaneous attraction toward and repulsion from a person with whom you’re romantically involved.
To post a picture given the same effect, well, it’s complicated. I assembled a helpful photo template you can copy in order to aid and abet mass confusion. Have your social network asking, who exactly is this person pictured with you: your partner, just a friend, or some rando you met on the street? But if actually you want the World Wide Web to know you’re in love, better go with uncomplicated. Not to say your posts grow complacent in good times. Just saying, better to showcase PDA than to green-light iffy photos templated for showing quite the reverse.